14 day plan

Everlasting Crowns

Day 5 of 14


2 Timothy 4:7 –8

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”  2 Timothy 4:7 –8, CEV

Reflection: Running the race: the finish line

The finish line marks the end of the race or the end of the journey. When someone has given their absolute best every step of the way, usually the feeling crossing the finish line is of elation and victory. But if you cross the line knowing you haven’t given your all, it can be disappointing and heart-breaking.

When we cross the finish line of life, and we ‘approach the gates of heaven’, how will we feel looking back on our life? Will we have a sense of victory, having ‘run the race’ well? Or will we regret missed opportunities to share Jesus? Adopting a ‘finish line mentality’, an eternal mindset, can help us live every day with the drive to give each opportunity all we have. It can help us be confident that, when we finish the ‘race’ of our Christian life, we ‘ran’ it with endurance and with grit.

In racing – and in life – some key things that can help us get through are relentless faith; mental toughness (pushing on when things get tough); and support (from others). Keeping yourself tied in with God, church and a good support network will all help in running strongly to the finish line.


God, thank you that you’re with us every day, running the race beside us. Help me to stay firmly rooted in you and stay on the course you have laid out for me. Please help me to live each day with purpose and to finish my race well, whatever your timeline for me may be.