Reflection: Identity and worth
When an elite athlete is successful, they can often feel like their value or worth is judged by how fast they can run, how high they can jump, how far they can throw. It is so easy for their sporting success to become their identity, and at times it can feel like when they aren’t performing, they lose their self-worth. This doesn’t just apply to sport – many people can (often unintentionally) place their sense of worth in their career, their musical talents, their friends, or even, in a negative way, in the mistakes they’ve made.
The best thing about being a Christian is knowing that our value and our worth are not defined by what we achieve on the sporting field, in the boardroom or in any other area of our life. Our identity is rooted in God. We are children of God, and no matter how successful we are, that will never change. Whether we have the performance of our life, or we fail epically, we have so much worth in God. We are perfectly designed by him, and we are enough.
God, thank you that you love us no matter what. Help me to find my identity in you and not allow myself to seek my value and worth in my achievements or the things of this world. Help me to always remember that I am a child of God and that in Jesus, I am enough. Amen.