Reflection: Running the race: endurance
Endurance is defined as “the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process without giving way”.
When we think about running a race with endurance, it refers to how you handle it ‘when the going gets tough.’ During a race, you are physically pushing yourself and your body to the limit, and there is often that voice in your head which always suggests a reason for quitting. A tough athlete, or someone who ‘runs with endurance’ is someone who digs even deeper, who rises to the challenge and continues to push as hard as they can despite the pain. Often at the Olympics, it’s not the fastest person who wins on the day, but the mentally toughest.
This can then be applied to our Christian journey – if we’re ‘giving our all’ and putting everything we can into the purpose God has given us, we will experience hardship and discomfort. But when the going gets tough, how do we respond? Do we pack it all in and stop trying? Or do we stay strong and work as hard as we can, despite the pain?
God, we know that hardship and challenges are inevitable. Help me to build my endurance so that I can persevere and withstand whatever comes my way. Help me to ‘run’ my life with endurance. Amen.