14 day plan

Chasing Joy

Day 14 of 14


Psalm 47:1

The Supreme Ruler

1Clap your hands for joy, all peoples!

Praise God with loud songs!

Reflection:  I didn’t mean to poke him up the butt.  But there you have it. I was at my friend’s wedding and as the bride and groom were leaving the reception we all formed a tunnel of love to farewell the happy couple.  As the tunnel grew longer our enthusiasm waned causing our arching tunnel to be somewhat lacklustre. Eventually the tunnel was so pathetic the bride and groom had to crouch down and head backwards out of the tunnel.  So naturally I did what anyone would do when presented with a friend exiting a tunnel butt
first. I leaned in and pinched it. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm caused me to over stretch and my pinch fast became more of a poke.  Deeply embarrassed I swiftly removed my offending finger only to look further into the tunnel and see my friend had not yet exited the tunnel and that I had… in fact… poked the photographer up the butt.  Life doesn’t always go as planned, but the ability to laugh and cry with joy is all part of the journey.

Question: Are you remembering to be cheerful, to laugh at yourself, to laugh with God?

Prayer:  Thank you, Father, that you are a creative joy-filled God,
that you laugh and play and celebrate with us. Thank you that in you our joy is complete.  Amen.

We have been reading the Bible with Bec Oates. Tomorrow we begin a new series, The Worshipping Life, with Craig Hindman.

Psalm 47:1-9

The Supreme Ruler

1Clap your hands for joy, all peoples!

Praise God with loud songs!

2The Lord, the Most High, is to be feared;

he is a great king, ruling over all the world.

3He gave us victory over the peoples;

he made us rule over the nations.

4He chose for us the land where we live,

the proud possession of his people, whom he loves.

5God goes up to his throne.

There are shouts of joy and the blast of trumpets,

as the Lord goes up.

6Sing praise to God;

sing praise to our king!

7God is king over all the world;

praise him with songs!

8God sits on his sacred throne;

he rules over the nations.

9The rulers of the nations assemble

with the people of the God of Abraham.

More powerful than all armies is he;

he rules supreme.