14 day plan

Journey Songs (Psalms of Ascent)

Day 9 of 14


Reflection:  Heard

There are moments in our lives where we can feel like we are in a deep, dark pit. We find ourselves stuck. We are overcome with despair. Where do you turn in those moments? The opening lines of this Psalm assure us that even in our darkest moments – especially in our darkest moments, we can cry out to God. This is what each of us need to know and hear today. That no matter how hard the journey gets, God is there, and he will hear you. You don’t need to try and get his attention. He is already listening. You don’t need to speak in your loudest voice. He already hears you. Have confidence in coming to God in prayer because he hears you.

Question:  When do you find it hardest to cry out to God?

Prayer:  O Lord my God, I know that you are in control of everything. Give me strength for today. Help me know that you are with me always.