Reflection: Harvest
Sowing seeds of the gospel is hard work. It can be discouraging. It can be heart-breaking. But your labour is not in vain. Why? Because God will reap a harvest. He does and will continue to save people. He will continue to use you as someone to share the good news of Jesus with those around you. So don’t be discouraged. Don’t despair if you feel like you are sowing in tears. God will bring a harvest. Think of your own life when you trusted in Jesus. What joy that brought. Think about those you know who have come to know Jesus. Praise God! As followers of Jesus, we continue to sow the seeds of the gospel. Don’t be discouraged. Keep on sowing.
Question: How can you use today to share the good news of Jesus?
Prayer: Lord of the harvest, you save sinners. I pray that you would do this today for your glory.