Reflection:Â Focus
So often we can find ourselves simply ‘doing things.’ We get so caught up in trying to build our own kingdoms that God easily slips out of our minds. It is in times like this that our journey can lose its focus. This is why the daily rhythms of Bible reading and prayer are so important. This is why the weekly rhythms of gathered worship and small groups are vital. Every day we are called to re-set, re-focus, and re-order our hearts to be in line with our Father in heaven. He gives us the grace to do this each day. He gives us grace in those all-too-many moments when we get lost in the vanity of our wanderings. He gives us grace because he loves his children deeply.
Question: Where are you prone to labour in vain? How can you re-set, re-focus and re-order my heart today?
Prayer:Â Heavenly Father, forgive me for labouring in vain. Thank you that in the gospel there is forgiveness and a fresh start. May every moment of every day be lived for you.