Reflection: An older pastor friend had a strident declamatory style of preaching energised by the causes he pursued. But his heart was soft towards those struggling in life and he gave them much time and support. As often I saw them coming to his door, I called them his ‘bruised reeds’. He relished the suggestion he was like his Master, caring for those whose life experiences had damaged them.
Opposition from the authorities is mounting against Jesus. They are already plotting to kill him. Matthew quotes from Isaiah to show that Jesus is not seeking unnecessary confrontation. He is passionate about his mission and will show great determination when the time comes to turn towards Jerusalem and death. But he is always tender with those who are hurting.
It has been said that the task of Christ’s church is to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. Which are you?
Prayer: Lord, you know my heart, my passions and my wounds. Make me like you: strong in what you have given me to do, and accepting of your care for my own wounds and those I am responsible for. Amen.