Reflection: The Divine Life
We are alive, but there is life in him. There is a difference between a puddle and the roaring river it springs from. Our little lives flow from the Divine Life.
John is making more than a theological point. He tells us in John 20:31 that the reason he wrote his Gospel in the first place was that we might ‘believe that Jesus is the Messiah … and that by believing you may have life in his name.’
Our flickering flame wavers under the winds of the world. Death awaits all sinful people in our broken world. Until Jesus, full of life in himself enters and proclaims, ‘I am the resurrection and the life … whoever lives by believing in me will never die’ (John 11:25-26).
He who has life in himself willingly entered death. All so that we — who deserve death — might be filled with his life.
What an undeserved love! Life pours from Life twice. First when we’re born into the world, and second when we’re born of God. Our temporal life and our eternal life (though ultimately one and the same) are both found in him.
From my favourite hymn:
O Love that will not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee.
I give thee back the life I owe,
that in thine ocean depths its flow
may richer, fuller be.
“O Love that Will Not Let Me Go,” George Matheson, 1882
Lord, I’m sorry for looking for my life in all the wrong places. Help me find my life in you. Thank you for giving your life for me, that I might receive life again. Amen.