Reflection: The Divine Grace
Grace might be the most precious word in our Christian vocabulary. Like the children’s game ‘pass the parcel’ there are many layers to explore, but every single one brings joy. At the most basic, grace is the undeserved favour of God.
Jesus is full of grace. His life, ministry, death and resurrection all turn to a single purpose: grace.
‘The law was given through Moses’. We only understand the full beauty of grace when we grasp how undeserving we truly are. The Holy God cannot co-exist with the profound unholiness of our sin. Like a scalpel, the law is a gift that painfully opens us to our problem before we are able to be healed.
Our profound inability to live up to the law of God shows us the true size of the gap between us and God. Holding up a mirror, the law shatters the illusions we have of perfection and goodness and shows us the truth.
‘Grace… came through Jesus Christ.’ Opened up to the reality of our sin in the law, we behold the full grace of Jesus! Salvation for sinners. Hope for the hurting. Life for the dying. Rest for the weary. Forgiveness for the failures. Healing for the broken.
I’m not good enough. No, you’re not. But he is, and he full of grace will take your place. Receive his rest and love.
I’m not worthy. No, you’re not. But he is, and he, full of grace, washes you with his blood, offers you his righteousness and promises you a future.
Grace is the undeserved favour of God, and it’s what makes the gospel good news for sinners like you and me.
Lord, I come to you as I am. Full of sin and imperfection, I receive your forgiveness. Weary and burdened, I receive your rest. Thank you for your grace. Amen.
*Note: this and following reflections will pull different threads from the same few verses