14 day plan

Deep Longings

Day 7 of 14


Reflection:  Do you care? The year 2020 has given us more than enough to care about. We empathise, lament, and mourn; Covid 19; Black Lives Matter; devastating bushfires; floods; years of drought; environmental damage. It is hard not to care about all these things and much more.

‘Do you care about me?’ is a question that writers of the Psalms often ask (Ps 142:2). We have a deep longing to know whether there is someone who cares about us as individuals.

Mary and Martha wondered if Jesus really cared, when he did not come to them before Lazarus died. Here we see Jesus’ vulnerability and how he genuinely cared; he wept before raising Lazarus to life again. Similarly, he genuinely cared for the Samaritan woman in the heat of the day in John 4. He cares not for just the world (John 3:16) but about each individual. As the Resurrection and the Life, he cares and brings about the redemption of everything.

Question:  Do you long to be cared for? How does reflecting on Jesus’ care for you give you strength this day?

Prayer:  My Friend Jesus, thank you that I can share with you all my grief and sin, and you bear them. When I face trials, trouble, and temptations, help me take my cares to you, as you know my every weakness and care. Amen.