14 day plan

Deep Longings

Day 4 of 14


Reflection:  Can I ever be satisfied? We have a deep longing to be satisfied, yet so much of our consumer society makes us feel unsatisfied. The world says that the gap we feel can be filled by something that can be sold to us. Even the multitude of cooking shows highlight that nothing lasts long, as the best tasting food soon leaves us hungry again.

A huge crowd came looking for Jesus again, since he had satisfied their hunger earlier with loaves of bread. This time, Jesus offers what satisfies, but not through food. The passage goes on, and Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” In our ambiguous and complex times, Jesus gives us the only thing that will truly satisfy our deep longings: his words, his life and eternal life, if we believe.

Question: In what areas of your life do you long for Jesus to give you satisfaction? In what ways can you be grateful and satisfied with the goodness of God already in your life?

Prayer:  Loving Father, I have nowhere else to go, because Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. Help me trust him and no other things that don’t truly satisfy me. Amen.