14 day plan

Deep Longings

Day 14 of 14


Reflection:  Where can I find courage? As we come to the end of these two weeks, there are many other deep longings we could have explored. But courage, as a theme to conclude, resonates at this time. We all have fears, doubts and difficulties. When they come our way, we long to find the strength we need to get through them.

Jesus knew that his disciples would flee. He also knew those first followers, as well as generations of followers since, would face troubles because they loved him. Jesus’ words bring comfort and lead us to have courage. In his resurrection, Jesus overcame the curse of this world. Whatever happens, we should ‘take heart’ because the one that suffered for us assures us of his love and eternal life in his name. No one can snatch us away (John 10:28).

In the Narnia series, Lucy calls out to Aslan for help as the Dawn Treader heads towards the Dark Island. Aslan answers, “Courage, dear one.” When we face our own dark islands, Jesus says to us, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Question:  In what ways do you long for courage? How can Jesus overcoming the world help you have courage today?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you that no one can snatch me out of your hands and that in Jesus, I have eternal life. Help me live with courage in this complex world and bring honour to you. In my precious Saviour Jesus’ name, Amen.