14 day plan

The Birth of Jesus, the Birth of Change

Day 8 of 14


Reflection:  The relatives and neighbours of Elizabeth and Zechariah

Further reading Luke 1:57-66 

Now, it’s understandable that the neighbours of Elizabeth and Zechariah were excited about the birth of John. After all, the couple had long suffered the stigma of childlessness, and many people had probably written off the chances of them ever bearing a child. Then to hear Zechariah’s outpouring of prophecy, having been struck mute, must have appeared miraculous. No wonder that the people throughout the country wondered ‘what, then, is this child going to be?’

How often do we write off the elderly, or feel that things hoped for and prayed for will not come to fruition? How often are the voices of the aged unheard?

For almost 75 years, BSL has worked with older people living with disadvantage, creating safe spaces and providing services to maximise quality of life. We look for ‘what then is this person going to be?’, rather than ‘what this person has been’.

Question:  These first witnesses expressed awe and wonder in the birth of John and in what he might become. How do we hold similar awe and wonder of what God continues to do in our lives and in the world?

Prayer:  Zechariah’s song (Benedictus) 

Blessed are you, Lord, the God of Israel, you have come to your people and set them free…Through your holy prophets, you promised of old: to save us from our enemies, from the hands of all who hate us…and you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High: for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way.  Amen.