Reflection: Elizabeth
For much of history, including in Biblical times, motherhood has been the pinnacle of what it is to be a woman. This has been a sad situation for the many women who can’t, or don’t choose, to be mothers, and a source of much disrespect and discrimination. Elizabeth must have known this, for earlier in this chapter, when discovering she is pregnant, she notes that God has ‘taken away her disgrace from among the people’ (Luke 1:25).
In this context it is interesting that Elizabeth’s focus in these verses is on Mary and the unborn Jesus. Despite her change in fortunes, she understands that there is a larger story being told, of which she is one part. Her recognition is one of wisdom. It’s not that she sees herself as insignificant, but rather that the Lord is up to something extra-ordinary.
Question: If we were in Elizabeth’s shoes, how might we respond? Is our vision large enough to see the many and varied ways in which the blessings of God appear? What wisdom is required of us to keep our focus on the big picture of God’s reconciling work in Jesus?
Prayer: God of wisdom, we pray for an end to all forms of discrimination, particularly against women who are not mothers. Stretch our imagination to know that you work in many and varied ways to bring about reconciliation and justice. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.