14 day plan

The Birth of Jesus, the Birth of Change

Day 4 of 14


Reflection:  Mary   

Further reading Luke 1:26-38

Throughout his Gospel, Luke consistently elevates the voice and place of women, challenging the social norms of his day. He begins this process with Mary, a young girl who was of little or no account in the society of her day but comes to count for everything in the story of Jesus’ birth. Little wonder that Mary was troubled at the angel’s words – they must have seemed absurd to her.

In our own time there are many ways and places where women’s lives are not favoured. Women are disproportionately represented amongst the uneducated and the poor, and far too many live in fear of violence in the home. There is much that needs to change in our world in order that all women might not be afraid of violence, poverty or homelessness.

Question:  What would you like to see change so that women might know the message of the angel, ‘Do not be afraid’?

Prayer:  God of all, you chose a young girl to carry the hope of our world. May you speak today to all who are troubled or afraid, particularly to women and girls. May the way we treat each other be a sign that the favour of God rests on all of us, for we are all made in your image. Amen.