14 day plan

The Birth of Jesus, the Birth of Change

Day 14 of 14


Reflection:  The Holy Family

This verse is so matter of fact – job done, return home. Can you imagine how Mary and Joseph would have been feeling? Their baby boy has been acclaimed as the Messiah by prophets like Zechariah and Anna, as well as the shepherds, all promising that Jesus would bring a glorious future for his people and for Jerusalem. But first – it’s back to little ol’ Nazareth for us. Perhaps, as humble people, this big future was just too much to take in? Perhaps, as peasant people, they needed to first focus on the present act of survival. Perhaps, as people of faith, they just accepted that God’s will would be done.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). With this assurance in the future, we are encouraged to not just witness to the emergence of love and justice, but to be examples of love and justice. To be like Jesus and grow in strength, wisdom and in the grace of God. To join with Jesus and Mary and Joesph in the Holy Family of God.

Question:  As people of faith, how do we reconcile a future where Jesus will come in glory, with the sometimes-sorry  world we see around us, of inequalities and iniquities? How do we do as Mary and Joseph did and live in the present, when all we want is to see this glorious future revealed?

Prayer:  Lord, in our own time, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there’s hatred, let me sow love; where there’s injury, pardon; where there’s doubt, faith; where there’s despair, hope; where there’s darkness, light; where there’s sadness, joy.* Amen

* Prayer of St Francis (excerpt)