14 day plan

The Birth of Jesus, the Birth of Change

Day 1 of 14



The birth of Jesus ushered in a fundamental change to the possibilities of love and justice in human history. Through the eyes of those first witnesses we ask: how do we give witness to the emergence of love and justice in our own time?

Reflection:  Witnessing the Birth of Love and Justice

Further reading Luke 1:1 – 2:39

We owe a debt to the Gospel writer Luke, who recognised that what he heard from eyewitnesses of Jesus was so extraordinary it needed to be shared far and wide. Luke met the people, heard their stories, and recognised God present in new and unexpected ways. His gift to us is that we can listen to those eyewitnesses just as he did, and imagine what it might have been like to encounter this new work of God in human history.

The Brotherhood of St Laurence seeks to eliminate poverty in Australia by ‘making change that lasts.’ As Chaplains, our testimony is that God’s life-changing work disrupts the dehumanising effect of sin and injustice in new and unexpected ways. The birth of Jesus continues to bring hope, joy, love and peace and inspires his witnesses to share the good news.

Question:  Where do you see God at work in our time?

Prayer:  Loving God, revealed to us in the extra-ordinary birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, open our eyes and ears to see your ongoing presence in our world. Amen.