Instead, Jesus declares we will be judged on how we treat “the least of these, my brothers and sisters”: the poor, the prisoners, the sick – and the stranger (foreigner).
How we treat foreigners is literally something Jesus will judge our lives on. That’s probably something that should concern us. Even
more than this, Jesus declares that ‘whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Christ himself is in the face of those seeking asylum.
Question: Do you find it hard to see Jesus in the poor, the sick, prisoners and foreigners? What would happen if Christians were known most for our care for these vulnerable people?
Prayer: Christ Jesus, help us see you in the face of the most vulnerable. Teach us to have the same care for them as you do. Let us not be afraid to meet all people as another made in your image. Amen.
We are reading the Bible with Justin
Whelan until 16 June.