Then when I arrived at the event I was to speak at, this wiry old man gets up with the biggest smile and says “I love Australia! What a blessing it is to live here!” Mahmood is a refugee who came to Australia a few years ago because his homeland was no longer safe for him and his family. When they came to Australia, they had nothing. Materially, they still have nothing really. But they have safety, they have each other, and they have hope. And they have eyes to see gratitude that so many of us seem to have lost.
In this passage, Jesus is stunned that only the foreigner returns to give praise to God after being healed of leprosy. Everyone else seems to have taken this extraordinary event for granted, just as we Australians often take our safety and comfort for granted. Sometimes it takes a Samaritan or a refugee to remind us just how blessed we really are.
Question: When was the last time you really paused to express gratitude to God for the blessings in your life?
Prayer: God, we give you thanks for this day. We thank you for the wonderful gift of creation, and for the work of your Holy Spirit
in our lives. Most of all, we thank you for Jesus, whose love for us was so strong it led him to the cross. Amen.
We are reading the Bible with Justin Whelan until 16 June.