Reflections: Writing a CV can be hard work. How do we present our best side and minimise our failings? Paul does not seem too worried by this balancing act. Having disclosed the secret of his hope, Paul circles back to examine the ways in which frailty and weakness can be felt. The next three verses are Paul’s unashamed CV. And this is because in displaying his weakness a surprising reality emerges. Paul is afflicted and perplexed, but he is not crushed or driven to despair.
Questions: Where are you
afflicted and perplexed? What is your usual reaction to being afflicted and perplexed?
Prayer: All knowing Father, the weight of the world can be so baffling and demanding. You know what I face, you know my limits, you even know where I am beginning to crack. Please meet me so that I may not be crushed and driven to despair. Amen.