Reflections: I sometimes imagine the writers of scripture wielding a highlighter when they seem to trip over themselves to make a point. As if to ram home that he can act with hope precisely because he does so with a power that resides outside of himself, Paul reaches back into his Hebrew Bible to quote the Creation Story. The quote from the Old Testament is like Paul’s highlighter. The same God who created everything out of nothing has given him everything despite him bringing nothing. And the everything Paul has been given? Intimate relationship with God the creator of all things.
Questions: What other light-in-darkness episode would Paul be remembering as he wrote this (hint: think Damascus)? How has God reached into your life with a ‘blinding light’ to re-create you?
Prayer: God of all creation, you called even light into being and have opened my heart so that I may know you. May I not close it down or constrain my world as if I have all the answers. Amen.