The season of Lent is a key time in the church calendar as Christians around the world walk with Jesus to the cross and the resurrection, as he inaugurates the Kingdom of God. The Old Testament anticipates the Lord Jesus, painting a picture of the kind of King that Jesus will be and the kind of Kingdom that Jesus is bringing in. This series explores the vision of deliverance and redemption for those in need, the humble servant King and the dawning reign of God.
Today we begin a new series, The Coming King and His Kingdom, with Jessica Smith from Common Grace. Common Grace is a movement of Australian Christians passionate about Jesus and justice. They are also passionate about the Australian Church being unified in together declaring the
good news of Jesus and embodying his mercy and compassion in the world.
Reflection: In this season, Christians all over the world are preparing their hearts for Easter. Jesus did not come out of nowhere, but his life, death and resurrection were the climax of a long story and anticipated in the Old Testament scriptures. Over the next 14 days we’ll be exploring the prophetic expectations around a coming King and his kingdom. Today’s reading presents a picture of God’s house established as a place for all nations and a place of teaching and knowledge of God and his
ways. It presents a vision of a transformed world where war is replaced by peaceful farming.
Question: What do you find attractive about Isaiah’s vision of God’s future?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for a vision of a world where everyone is streaming to you to learn and walk your ways. Thank you for the hope of peace in your Kingdom. Amen.
We are reading the Bible with Jessica Smith until 24th March.