14 day plan


Day 9 of 14


Reflection:  “The Peacemaker” is, according to the Pentagon, the Corvair B-36, the largest production bomber ever made. It had a wingspan of 70 metres, a length of 49 metres, and was bigger than a Boeing 747 passenger jet. “The Peacemaker” was a visible reminder that America could deliver a nuclear bomb anywhere in the world.

But Jesus sees a peacemaker as something very different. He tells us what that is in his Sermon on the Mount – the beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12). In the seventh of these beatitudes, Jesus says, ‘blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’ (Matthew 5:9).

If it is your normative practice to bring the peace of understanding to those who don’t know their meaning; if you make it a habit to bring harmony to those enslaved by bitterness and anger… then you will be called ‘a child of God.’ Why? Because you will have shown the family likeness.

God is a peace-making God, and he wants us to have peace with him, and peace with each other (Ephesians 2:11-18).

I invite you to display the family likeness.

Prayer:  Dear Father, I love that you are a God of peace. Peace is beautiful. I long for it… and it is too often a stranger to me. May I carry the family likeness as your child… and bring peace.