Reflection: Peace comes as a result of you paying attention. It is the fruit of godly diligence. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, tells us that “paying attention to God” brings peace. Things fall into place when we submit to him.
And here’s the thing: this peace is not temporary. It keeps flowing like a never-ending river. It washes over you, time and again, like waves on the sea.
And this peace can be yours.
The secular mantra of our time is that humankind has no inherent value, meaning or purpose. We are just the product of an outrageous fluke of circumstances. It is a conviction that is wrong, and it is a conviction that robs people of peace. They therefore turn to society’s analgesics, e.g. alcohol, drugs or visual fantasy, to find relief.
Real peace can only come from God, However it won’t be found by the lazy or the indifferent. You have to pay attention.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, your wisdom and principles have been enshrined in Scripture for every generation to see. Keep me true to your word, my Lord – that I might know the endless waves of your peace.