14 day plan


Day 3 of 14


Reflection:  You hear interesting things in a cancer ward. This week (as I write), I overheard a man saying, with some vehemence, ‘I’m going to fight, fight, fight. Cancer is not going to get me. I’m going to die of old age.’ He was displaying a laudable positive attitude. But he also sounded like a drowning man desperate to hang on to the only life he knew.

At that moment, I wished I could share with him some of the peace God has given me. It is a peace that comes from having one foot on earth, and another in heaven… and it is lovely. Unfortunately ,the time wasn’t right as he was taken to the other end of the infusion suite.

I was, however, left with a conviction that I had been given something very precious, something others need. The gospel God has entrusted to me is given to share – particularly with those over whom death has cast its shadow.

So, let’s agree, you and I, to share this hope, so others may share our peace.

Prayer:  My Father, you have placed the treasure of the gospel, its truth and hope, into my heart ­ which is, at best, a very ordinary clay pot (2 Corinthians 4:7). I cannot fathom why you have done so, but I’m grateful beyond words.