14 day plan


Day 2 of 14


Reflection:  I’m an activist who has to live with the discomfort of not yet being home in my Heavenly Father’s kingdom. My time, therefore, is still characterised by frustration and grief. Sometimes, my moral integrity, and my emotional and intellectual competency “hangs on” by the thinnest of threads.

Therefore, like the psalmist, I need to “tell” myself to find rest in God – for he alone is my safe place.

I’ve been asking God whether my writing has become obsessive in these last few years (years in which I’ve been battling cancer). Why? Because I want to write from being positioned rightly in God’s purposes and in the company of God’s Spirit. If I have that, I have everything. If I don’t, I have nothing.

God’s servant (mentioned in Isaiah 49:1-6) thought his ministry was a complete failure… until he lent back into God, and trusted. God then rewrote his job description and told him he was not going to be a local prophet, but one who would have a ministry to the whole world.

So, rest your soul in God… and see where he takes you.

Prayer:   Dear Lord, I am at the end of my tether.  My strength is gone.  Only you can rescue me from my circumstances, my weakness, and my folly.  I turn to you, my rock…and am content.