14 day plan


Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  Fear is not quite the opposite of peace, but it’s pretty close. So when the disciples were hiding behind locked doors for fear of the Jewish authorities – who had just orchestrated the death of their leader – peace wasn’t on their radar. And when reports were coming in that the ghost of Jesus, or something similar, had been seen… the disciples were, to say the least, discombobulated.

Jesus understood this, so when he appeared as his resurrected self to his disciples (as reported at the end of John’s gospel), his characteristic greeting was, ‘peace be with you.

In saying this, he was commanding peace to be present. This has overtones of the time when Jesus commanded the storm that threatened the life of the disciples to be still. ‘He [Jesus] got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm’ (Mark 4:39).

Why not allow Jesus to speak his peace to you?

Prayer:  Dear Lord, whenever fear locks a door and tries to keep you away, please ignore it and come into my life.