Reflection: I’ve sometimes heard it said that Christians check out their brains at the door when they go to church. The implication is that faith in Christ isn’t intellectually rigorous.
It’s interesting then to read in these two verses that the Christian ‘way of life’ is about learning, hearing about Christ, being taught in Christ and about the truth that is in Jesus. The image in these verses is of a school and of learning as the basis for Christian living.
As you read verse 21 you may have noticed that Jesus is referred to three times in this short verse. Jesus is the content of the teaching the Ephesians received (‘you heard about Christ’); they were taught ‘in him’, a key phrase in Ephesians which refers to our union with Christ; and they were taught ‘in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus’. There’s no surprise here when we remember that in John’s gospel Jesus claimed to be ‘the truth’ (John 14:6).
These two verses remind us that Christian faith is about a lifestyle (v20) that is based on being well taught in Christ (v20-21). Christ calls us to submit every part of ourselves – mind, body, soul, emotions – to him.
How are you learning ‘in Christ’ and ‘about Christ’ at the moment?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that you teach us by your word and by your Spirit. Help me to be diligent in learning the truth that is in Christ. Amen.