Reflection: These verses may seem like a bag of mixed lollies, with no particular method or theme, but with something for everyone! But perhaps there is more shape here than we first notice.
Most of these verses follow the pattern in verses 22-24 of taking off something old and putting on the new. Paul also gives a reason in each case for what he’s just said.
So, in verse 29, no unwholesome talk (old self) but rather what is helpful for building others up (new self). The reason – so that it may benefit those who listen. In verses 31-32, no bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, or malice (old self). Rather be kind, compassionate and forgive one another (new self). The reason – we have been forgiven by God in Christ.
All of this taking off and putting on takes prayerful awareness of our behaviour, a desire to put off the old and put on the new, and the help of God in continuing to make us new in the attitude of our minds (verse 23).
Remembering that you have put on the new self, created by God for us, are you doing or saying things that you need to repent of?
Are you failing to say or do things that you should be doing as God’s new person?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, so often it feels very difficult to put off my old self. Help me to persevere in doing that, and in putting on the new in these very practical ways that you call me to. Amen.