Reflection: When my son first played basketball, his team’s single biggest challenge was to learn to play together as a team rather than as a collection of five individuals who happened to find themselves playing basketball on a court at the same time as each other and against the same team as each other.
While we don’t want to reduce the body of Christ to being a team, a very similar challenge faces us. How do we live as ‘one body’ when we are all very different individuals? These verses tell us that the answer to this conundrum is by using the gifts that Christ has given us in the way that he intends.
Verses 11 – 13 give us a kind of ‘flow chart’ of diversity and unity. Christ gives a variety of leadership and teaching gifts (v11), so that leaders and teachers use their gifts to equip all members of the church to serve in a variety of ways using their own gifts (v12). The result of this equipping is that the whole body of Christ is built up (v12) until we all reach Christian unity and Christian maturity (v13).
How are you currently using your gifts in this amazing process of the body of Christ being brought to unity and maturity?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that you gift us the leaders we need so that all are equipped for works of service for the building up of your body. Please build us and bring us to unity and maturity in Christ. Amen.