Reflection: It’s impossible to miss what these verses teach us. Unity among Christians is important! Seven times Paul repeats the word ‘one’ just in case we miss it.
This unity is grounded in the Trinity – there is ‘one Spirit’, ‘one Lord’ i.e., Jesus and ‘one God and Father of all’. The remaining unities refer to our experience of the Christian life. There is one body because there is one Spirit (verse 4). In Christ, we are called to one hope, one faith and one baptism (verses 4-5). And we belong to one family because we have one God and Father (verse 6).
This unity is a truth that Paul asserts. But it is also something that Christians are to strive for (verse 3). And the need for that striving is apparent as we look around us at what seems to be a church more divided than unified.
John Stott writes: ‘We should all be eager for some visible expression of Christian unity, provided always that we do not sacrifice fundamental Christian truth in order to achieve it’. (The Message of Ephesians, John Stott, p 154).
In what ways or contexts can you strive for the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, without sacrificing any fundamental Christian truth?
Prayer: Father, Son and Spirit, thank you that you are perfect in unity. Please bring unity in your church today. Amen.