Reflection: We might skip quickly past this verse, assuming there’s little to think about. Surely, we don’t steal. But let’s slow down for a moment and reflect a little.
Perhaps stealing has a wider application than we might first recognise. Are we absolutely resolute to pay all the tax that we owe? Are we resolute to never download illegal movies or games? Are we resolute with our time at work, not stealing from our employers by using their time for ourselves?
And if our conscience is clear when it comes to stealing, are we going the next step and working productively (‘doing something useful with our hands’) and then sharing with those in need?
When it comes to generosity and sharing with those in need, there can be an overwhelming range of options. Perhaps a good way forward is to plan our giving in terms of who we’ll give to and how much we can give.
Search your conscience about whether there is some way in which you’re stealing in your life. How might you be able to be more proactive in giving generously to those in need?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive me for my greedy heart, that tempts me to steal. Shape in me a desire to work and to share generously with those in need. Amen.