14 day plan

Joy in God … no Matter What?

Day 12 of 14


Reflection: Now we see Moses respond to God, and his wrath. Instead of distress that our life is so short, Moses asks God to ‘teach us to number our days’, so that we may gain ‘a heart of wisdom’. Why does he ask this? Where does wisdom come from? Wisdom comes from fearing God: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). When we accept this, we see life differently — from God’s perspective. What impact does this have in our relationships?

What does it mean to number our days? It means God gives us a true and healthy understanding of the life span he has given us. Instead of railing against it, we accept that God knows us and what is best for us. We can live face to face with God now, and in eternity.

Moses asks God to return, and to have compassion on his people, in v 13.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help us and teach us to wisely number our days. Please grow us in wisdom from you. Please help us have soft hearts towards you. Help us have a true view of our lives, and of your love, giving us sure hope. Help us to see our mortality in a true and healthy way, as you see it.