14 day plan

Good Shepherding

Day 6 of 14


Psalm 23:4a

'Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...' Psalm 23:4a, NIV


‘I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul.’

Psalm 31:7 New Living Translation (NLT)

We’ve seen that the calm, nourishing garden brings a sense of well-being. The shepherd’s guidance and care bring comfort. Ah! The serenity. So much serenity! But calm satisfaction does not, in every sense, equal good. Not if it breeds laziness, a sense of entitlement or being self-absorbed. Not if we forget to lean on the shepherd for his mercy and intervention. We don’t live in paradise…yet. And following Jesus will be no sentimental trip.

Have you walked through a dark valley? Have you sung, Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen? I have. There are no pat answers for dark valleys…or for any kind of grief. But, as written and sung by slaves, and before that, by David…we have a companion through our grief. Nobody knows, but Jesus. Yet once again, this is not a prayer for God’s presence with us in dark times. It’s an affirmation of what’s true. He is our good shepherd; we belong to him and he is absolutely with us.

Look for an opportunity today (even if virtually) to share with someone how your good shepherd has been your guide/your companion/your comfort.

Prayer:  You are good…all the time, sovereign Lord. Grow my faith in you, come what may. You are present…all the time, Holy Spirit. Grow my dependence on you, come what may.

Pray this prayer for those in your wider circle…and for someone you know who is travelling in a dark place.