Reflection: ‘Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him….”’ John 14:23 Berean Study Bible (BSB)
I believe in crafting home. I’m a home-maker. I like the challenge of creating a sense of beauty, peace and security, no matter where. Home can be about group membership – about the people. Home can be where you feel comfortable with culture – being about ideas and a way of life. And home can be geographical – a place. That’s what it was for the psalmist and the Jews. The Lord’s house was the actual tabernacle/temple building. Just let me be a doorman or a janitor if it means I can live in the Lord’s home!*
Oh, but it gets better than that! Our forever home has no door and needs no cleaning; it’s not tied down to place. It’s not limited by temple rites or culture. But, it is our shepherd himself. David couldn’t have imagined the essence of the forever-home as we know it through Christ’s death, resurrection and gift of his Spirit who lives in us.
*Psalm 84:10 paraphrase
Prayer: May my life be a welcoming, peaceful, and beautiful home for you, Spirit of God. Enable me to tenaciously, and transparently abide in you.