14 day plan

God of all creation

Day 7 of 14


Reflection:  How dare we?

The whole of Job 38 is a series of questions relentlessly reminding Job, and us, of our place in the world. Read the whole chapter, as God asks a barrage of rhetorical questions.

You might imagine Job, who was initially patient in his sufferings but who had become increasingly cranky at God. Sometimes like us, perhaps?

We humans tend to have an inflated opinion of our own understanding and position in the world, but we only need to contemplate the questions of Job 38 to be reminded of how little we know.

Only God controls the elements; only God created the stars; only God makes light and darkness. Only God can determine how things should be, how things will be, how things will work out.

Prayer:  Creator God, you are the source of all that is, and yet we sometimes forget how majestic, how awesome, how wise you are. Forgive us.

In our times of trial, help us to trust you, holding to our confidence that you love us and that we are in your hands.