Reflection: Christian hope in the Valley of Tears
Further reading: Romans 8:22-25
Psalm 84:6 speaks of passing through the Valley of Baka (from the word “weeping”). So, Christians have spoken of life in a fallen world as a “vale of tears.” Yes, there is much that is good and lovely and honourable about our lives on earth; however, we are all too aware (the more so as we get older) that things are not as they should be. Sinfulness and suffering are par for the course of life.
The creation is not cared for as it should be, and it groans for liberation. People are not as they should be, and they need redemption. You and I are not as we should be, and we need forgiveness and hope to start anew every day.
Read from Romans Chapter 8, verse 18 to 25: the apostle Paul recognises the tribulations (greater or lesser) that afflict us, and then he speaks of the tribulations that the whole creation faces. We can only begin to understand what it means for creation to groan for liberation (v. 22). What is clear is that making things right for creation is wrapped up in God making things right for human beings.
And so, through the vale of tears, we wait in patient hope for that time when God will make all things new.
Prayer: Creator God, redeemer of all things, be with us in the sufferings and challenges of our mortal lives. Give us patience to endure whatever life throws at us.
Lord Jesus, in whom all things hold together, allow us to be agents of healing and hope in the lives of other people and in caring for your good creation.
Holy Spirit, advocate and guide, through your power at work in us, energise us to live faithfully day by day, year by year as we await the glory to be revealed when all things will be made new.