Reflection: Jesus Christ – second person of the Trinity
As we saw in the previous reflection from Colossians 1, so today from Hebrews 1, Jesus is God’s agent in both creation and redemption: in creation and in the new creation.
The Trinity is not easy to understand, but Christians affirm the biblical truths: God is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three persons exist in the Godhead in such total unity that they are one. Our limited brainpower means that we often have to accept things we do not fully understand. The creation itself is incomprehensible (billions of billions of stars! Quantum entanglement—Google it!). On a different scale, scientists and philosophers wrestle with understanding consciousness or free will, both of which are impossible to explain, yet we know they are part of being human.
The Bible writers did not feel the need to “explain” everything. They were not scientists or philosophers. But what they do, under the inspiration of God, is to tell us what we need to know—not all that we would like to know, but what we need to know to live faithfully.
Prayer: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, you are three in one in total unity; we praise you for revealing to us the things we need to know as we look at Jesus, creator and redeemer of all creation.
Help us in our ignorance to hold fast to the things that you have revealed, and help us not to be anxious for answers to all those questions we would like to resolve.
In the meantime, give us patience and peace as we rest in you.