Reflection: My “friends” decided to give my daughter a melting unicorn, made a putty. Yes, it’s a thing. The idea is that you make the unicorn, watch it melt and then re-build it again. My favourite part of this whole experience has been when my daughter made it on the only carpet square in our house and then forgot about it… The other day, I noticed this melted unicorn puddle was mirroring how I felt that day; flat, defeated and uber anxious. The cool thing is that, even though I feel like this, God can and will restore me. It doesn’t matter how many times I crumble
into an exhausted, weak and fearful mess, He will pick me up and make me whole again.
Question: Do you know that God will do the same for you?
Prayer: Oh Lord, help us to remember on the days we feel flat, defeated and anxious, that you’ve walked that road before. Help us to remember that we are not alone. Amen.