14 day plan

Go deep

Day 1 of 14


Series Introduction: 

For the next two weeks, in this devotion series, we are invited to look over Nick Hawkes’ shoulder and see “what a mighty God is teaching a weak man”. As Nick says, “let God take us to deep places.”


Here’s one of the most beautiful truths God has led me to. It is this: If you fall in love with Jesus, obedience follows naturally.

The extraordinary high calling God gives us is an invitation to fall in love with him. God wants us to thrill at the beauty of his holiness, his creativity, his character, and with his truth… and for this to translate into love.

God is seeking your heart. He does not want his people to be “dutiful servants” but friends. Jesus taught this when he said to his disciples that he did not want to call them servants, but friends, friends in whom he could confide (John 15:15).

You see: Duty is for legalists. Love is for family.

May I gently encourage you to know God well enough to fall in love with him. When you do, you will find that obedience follows naturally. Let the “oughts” and “shoulds” of obedience be dissolved in love.

Prayer:  Loving Father, Please rescue me from legalistic, dutiful obligations and draw me into your love, so that I might serve with love.