Sometimes, all we can do is groan. Life can be a wearying thing… even to the point where prayer is beyond us. So, where is God when this happens? Are we thrown back onto our own emotional resources at this point?
No, actually.
The apostle Paul, (who knew more of life’s hardships than most), said that when this happens, that’s the point at which God’s Spirit within us groans in an eloquent language of his own to God, and expresses the deepest angst of our soul (Romans 8:26-27).
So, God does not leave us on our own.
If you are in a situation that is beyond you, come to God without words. Get past your own inadequacies quickly. Don’t let them mire you so that you never see beyond your own unworthiness. Ask for the forgiveness you need and remind yourself that whilst you may not be perfect, your Saviour is. Your aim is to get to a point where you lay yourself open to God. No words are necessary.
Express your groan… then listen for the whisper of God’s Spirit.
Prayer: Dear Father, Sometimes, all I can do is groan. Will you, through the power of your Spirit, turn my groans into words that are beyond my ability to speak? And will you, by that same Spirit, whisper to me the things you want me to know?