You have enough. You have enough to be faithfully doing God’s purposes now. Appreciating this truth will free you from the tyranny of the “if onlys” (‘If only I had this ability, then I could do’… whatever).
However, the reality is this: God will never call you to do anything he hasn’t equipped you for. It is a simple truth, and one that is empowering. If you have God’s mandate, as Gideon found out, you have everything you need. You can go in the strength you have.
When Jesus called those he wanted to be with him (Mark 3:13) he said to them, ‘follow me and I will make you…’ (Matthew 4:19 RSV).
So here’s my challenge: to follow Jesus, and allow him to ‘make’ me. It is his responsibility to make me fit for the ministry he calls me to. My responsibility is to simply obey – and go in the strength I have.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, The world is unkind and I often feel unequal to the task of representing you faithfully to those who live in it. Please give me your wisdom and courage, so I might fulfil my mission on Earth.