14 day plan

"The Last Week"

Day 3 of 14


Reflection:  Monday: Clear-out!

Can I share a confession?  As a kid, my bedroom was a pigsty.  LEGO landmines everywhere.  Clothes on the floor (aka my wardrobe).  That unknown odour coming from the corner.

Do you need a shower yet?

As a kid, I thought this story was about Jesus getting grumpy at naughty salespeople extorting vulnerable worshippers and hogging the courtyard where foreigners worshiped. I thought it was like my room – Jesus was just giving the place a desperately needed spiritual clean up.

But it’s far more radical.  It’s not a clean up.  It’s a total clean out. A shutdown.  Jesus is saying the whole thing has got to go. All of it.

What was supposed to bring life to the world had become a cabal of corruption with all its dodgy dealings, purchased priesthoods, and abominable evil cloaked in religious pretence.

Imagine Jesus visited your church, our parliament, the ASX, and wanted to shut it down?  How would you really respond? A very dangerous thought.

Prayer:  Jesus, I’m not sure I want to ask… are we complicit in something that’s so desperately incompatible with your Kingdom that it has to go?  What do we do?

(PS: I wonder what happened to that fig tree from Monday morning… oh dear)