Reflection: Friday: Midnight Show-Trial
Red and blue lights flashed suddenly. The officer waved me over. My stomach sank.
“What had I done?” I thought.
Then something happened I’ll never forget.
The police officer launched into this angry outburst threatening to charge me with all these offences I didn’t commit and falsely imprison me. The corrupt officer was looking for a bribe.
I felt violated. My stomach churned for weeks.
How do you feel reading this scene from the Bible? The system stacked against Jesus. The mob-justice. The show-trial. The false witnesses. The innocent/guilty role reversal. Jesus’ torture. Pilot’s political apathy and acquiescence. It’s all a done deal.
My skin crawls.
If the cross paints a picture of God’s unfailing love for us, this is a counter-portrait of evil in action; insidious, cloak-and-dagger type stuff. It’s Satan’s counter-play to establish his counterfeit Kingdom. Sadly, it’s all oddly familiar, right?
Where do you see evil lurking in our world? What are the ‘done’ deals that should be undone? Where do you see yourself in the story? Do you think you would have fled like the other disciples (14:50-51)?
Prayer: Jesus, give me courage to stand and speak for the voiceless. Forgive me when I run away because I am more afraid of what might happen to me, than what might happen to others if I don’t say something.