In this sermon ‘priesthood’ is mentioned over 40 times and ‘covenant’ about half that many. No wonder it’s such a big deal. Through these means God bridged the holy gap between himself and his people. Bridging the holy gap is where, in this sermon, I get goosebumps. Like he downplayed angels back in chapter 1, the preacher downplays something else his listeners hold dear: priests and promises.
“Oooh, the promises made to the patriarchs…how blessed we are.”
“Nah! No comparison to the promise of The Great High Priest.”
“Well, what about the honoured high priests from the tribe of Levi?!”
“Don’t you get that Jesus hails from God himself? He’s a forever-priest.”
“OK . Then there’s the awesome, annual invitation from God when the high priest gets to venture behind the curtain into the holy of holies!”
“Well Jesus did away with that curtain, didn’t he!”
Entering on our behalf, through his own blood, once for all, he’s made us forever-clean.
You absolutely cannot top this story of grace and truth.
You have bridged the holy gap in a most profound way, mighty God. It’s worth repeating 40 times…and more! Clean and holy, it’s now my invitation and pleasure to be yours. Inspire me and your holy people around the world to creatively, faithfully and wholeheartedly serve and worship you today.