14 day plan

Hebrews: Better, Best

Day 3 of 14



One of my guilty pleasures is people-watching. Airports are great, since everyone’s high (or low) on emotion. But being in someone’s home is even more revealing. And more so, being at their table. Family mealtime is like a microcosm of how a family operates. How they relate, who’s in charge, how healthy the food is, if eating is more about food or the company…

Say we could glimpse the dynamic of God’s world, sitting, as it were, at the table of the King. Who’s in charge here? Well, it’s not the angels. They’re just the waiters. And though we/mankind were given a mandate to manage, we’re doing an unholy job of it. But see Jesus? He’s the one at the head of the table. The preacher reminds us that he’s earned this honour: Having taken a position inferior to the angels by sharing in our humanity, he suffered death, so that by God’s grace he might taste the bitterness of death on our behalf. And that, brothers and sisters, is how we find ourselves at this table. Sons and daughters of the King under the leadership of Jesus Christ!


Here we are, feasting in each other’s company, Father God, Son and Spirit. Eating and remembering. Chewing and remembering your humanity–your 30-some years of kicking up the same dust that covers our shoes. Drinking and remembering your self-sacrifice–a world of shame. We’ve been cleansed and you’ve been crowned. What a glorious salvation!