Reflection: Yesterday we posed this question: Does your faith express itself through love (cf. Gal. 5:6)? In today’s verse we see Jesus explaining to the Disciples how he – i.e., Jesus himself – went about expressing faith through love. Put simply: He obeyed his Father’s commands. Obedience is an-oft repeated Scriptural theme (see also Luke 11:28, Heb. 5:9, Eph. 5:6, 1 Pet. 4:17). To remain in Jesus’ love, we are told that we must obey Jesus’ commands. Jesus’ commands are set out plainly enough in the New Testament, most famously in the
Sermon on the Mount. We are told, not only what we should refrain from doing (deceive, lust, hoard, covet, worry, insult, etc.), but what we should actively do (repent, give generously, make peace, etc.). Admittedly, Jesus’ commands are a counsel of perfection. But can there be any doubt whatsoever that we are duty-bound – as a condition to salvation – to try our best to obey them?
Question: Do you truly try to obey Jesus’s commands for righteous living?
Prayer: Father help me to obey Jesus’ commands. I realise that I will fall way short of the peerless example set by Jesus on earth. But equally I realise that I must try, and that only with the help of the Holy
Spirit can I hope to succeed. Amen