14 day plan

All of Life Worship

Day 13 of 14


Reflection:  Serving others

As we were discussing yesterday, it wasn’t just in terms of hospitality that Jesus served others… the orientation of his whole life was toward serving others.

And much of the time, that attitude cannot be seen in his followers, cannot be seen in us.

When we get annoyed that someone else sat in our pew.

When we feel snubbed because our name was not mentioned up front.

When we are jealous of the success of others.

When we forget to love our enemies, let alone our fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

Most obviously it is seen by the compromises we will make for the sake of power.

Like the disciples, we want to be great, and we want to be associated with people who are great.

We love stories of success, and strength.

We want access to authority, and the benefactors.

Instead, Jesus, who was actually the greatest of all time, the most powerful, the most successful… Jesus comes among us “as one who serves”.

Question:  How are you challenged by the example of Jesus? In what area do you need to change your attitude to one of serving?

Prayer:  God of power, thank you for the example of Jesus, who did not consider equality with You something to be used to his own advantage, but became nothing, taking the nature of a servant and humbled himself, even to death on a cross.  May we seek first to serve rather than to be served.  Amen