Reflection: Showing compassion
There were a couple of times Jesus wept. Once when his friend Lazarus had died (John 11:35), once when confronting his impending death (Matthew 26:37–38), and here as he looks over Jerusalem and trembles at its future.
It is rare to see a leader weep.
Some might see that as weakness, or distraction.
Jesus had deep compassion for others, and it is explicitly mentioned four times in the Gospel of Matthew, and twice in Mark.
He spoke about compassion in others, such as in his story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:20).
Weeping, and showing compassion, are deeply human attributes.
Jesus showed us that it is a strength, not a weakness to feel deeply, and to be vulnerable; particularly when it is motivated by concern for others.
Jesus was not an automaton, programmed by God to do certain activities and return to heaven. He was a human being who laughed, cried and formed deep relationships with others.
If we struggle in this area of showing compassion, we should ask for Jesus’ heart for the hurting, the lost, the confused and the suffering.
Question: Do you feel moved by the plight of others? Do you connect that with your faith?
Prayer: Our Lord, So often we are distracted while we work by our busyness or concerns or frustrations, and consumed by our own thoughts and action, rather than being aware of the needs of others. Please give us your heart for the hurting, the lost, the confused and the suffering. Amen.